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About Cliff Kayser

Cliff is an experienced organization development (OD) consultant, executive coach, and leadership trainer overseeing Polarity Partnerships' east coast operations out of Washington, DC. In 2017, Cliff became a founding partner of the 501(c)3 organization the Institute for Polarities of Democracy and in 2018 the healthcare coaching/consulting firm, SixSEED Partners. Cliff is a faculty member at American University's Master's in OD and KEY Executive programs and is a Coaching Fellow for George Mason's Accredited Coach Training Program under the Center for the Advancement of Well-being. His past work experience includes VP of Organizational Development and Training for The National Cooperative Bank, Senior OD Consultant for The Washington Post, and Corporate Manager of Human Resources (HR) and Training for The Washington Post Company. Cliff earned Master's Degrees in OD (2007) and HR Management (1998) from The American University and his Coaching Certification from Georgetown's Executive Leadership Coaching Program in (2008). He is a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) and a graduate of the 2-year Polarity Mastery program (2010), and has served as the program dean since 2014.

Concentrated Cornucopia of Creative Conglomeration Convenes at Kayser Ridge

By |2019-03-13T13:03:22-04:00October 26th, 2011|Kayser Ridge|

It started with Michelle James, generative-emergent-creative-super-maven extraordinaire, who convened/recruited/whatever, six of some of the most generative emergent creative super-people I’ve just about ever met. These amazing specimens of human consciousness had just presented at the Creativity in Business Conference (http://creativity-conference.com/) in Georgetown, and came out for a much deserved chill out @ Kayser Ridge for a [...]

Kayser Ridge Supports B-CC Crew Fundraiser!

By |2019-03-13T13:03:23-04:00May 6th, 2011|Kayser Ridge|

One great example of tapping the tension of interdependent pairs is in the act of ROWING! So when a personal friend and professional colleague, Sally Collella, requested Kayser Ridge Retreat & Learning Center contribute a weekend at Kayser Ridge as part of a B-CC Crew fundraiser, which proudly represents B-CC High School as a leading competitor [...]

One Kayser Ridger’s Experience of “IT”

By |2019-03-13T13:03:23-04:00January 27th, 2011|Kayser Ridge|

http://crossroadsolutionscoach.com/retreatexperience.html Good stuff! [Oh, and there's a great warning about the road leading up to Kayser Ridge! If you have a small car w/front-wheel drive -- best to park below and have someone with a mountain-ready vehicle shuttle you up!!] Cliff Kayser

2010 at Kayser Ridge, Priceless…

By |2019-03-13T13:03:23-04:00December 13th, 2010|Kayser Ridge|

December 11th 2010, Open Letter from Kayser Ridge. It’s that time of year when quite a few cards and letters get passed around to share important stuff – updates/highlights of activities, events, travels, accomplishments – reflections on the joys and/or challenges experienced. I’m in front of the fireplace at Kayser Ridge reflecting on those things regarding [...]

Anahatha Retreats @ Kayser Ridge!

By |2019-03-13T13:03:24-04:00November 29th, 2010|Kayser Ridge|

Richa Badami, Transformation Leader of Anahatha Retreats Richa’s journey on the path to personal transformation began in 1996 in India where she studied energy healing, Reiki, bodywork and transformation. She currently works with individuals and groups that are seeking a life of truth and wholeness. She lives in Ashburn, VA with her husband and three daughters. [...]

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