Yes, Mistakes Were Made…

By |2025-03-09T14:35:09-04:00March 4th, 2025|Artificial Intelligence|

A few days ago, a friend, who is also an Executive Coach, talked me off the ledge when I shared how frustrated I was about what’s happening in America, and the world. A few days later I received a book in the mail: "Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, [...]

Netting Out Some AI Coaching Considerations

By |2025-03-09T13:19:32-04:00February 25th, 2025|Artificial Intelligence|

And just like that, AI Coaches share space with Human Coaches -- and always will. If you haven't tasted from the broad menu of AI Coach options that vary greatly in quality, here's a primer. Think about your last back-and-forth experience with a customer service chatbot, but instead of discussing a refund on a recent [...]

The Client-Coach-AI Coach “Triangle”

By |2024-09-19T20:28:46-04:00September 18th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence|

She’s a millennial whip-smart tech CEO of a small woman-owned business and her organization contracts with the federal government on cyber security and national defense. For the last two years it’s just been the two of us. However, now we call it our “coaching triangle” that includes an AI Coach. It’s new and definitely different. [...]

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