Polarity Thinking AND Problem-solving | Continuity AND Transformation | Collective Justice AND Individual Justice | Freedom AND Equality | Self AND Other

By |2018-12-15T19:44:55-05:00July 4th, 2015|Continuity and Transformation, Freedom AND Equality, Individual Justice and Collective Justice, Polarity Thinking, Polarity Thinking and Problem-solving Thinking, Self and Other|

Independence Day Reflections on a Few of My Heroes “Polarity Thinking is a supplement to either/or problem-solving thinking – not a replacement.” Barry Johnson, PhD Our individual and collective effort to achieve independence was not expected to succeed. Against the odds the grand experiment of American independence and its representative self-government has succeeded. Bucking the idea of [...]

Leveraging Part and Whole — The Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

By |2020-03-12T12:15:25-04:00June 27th, 2015|Part and Whole, Polarity Thinking|

The Supreme Court's gay marriage decision contributed to improving the degree of leverage between Part and Whole on our nation's path to a more perfect union. I celebrate it here by pulling a few choice pieces from Justice Kennedy into a Part and Whole Polarity Map.   Upside benefits of Part—Freedom, Uniqueness, and Initiative “The Constitution [...]

Breathing: Individualism and Communitarianism | Science AND Religion — Pope Francis and the Encyclical

By |2018-12-15T19:04:49-05:00June 24th, 2015|Polarity Thinking|

Individualism and Communitarianism | Science and Religion  I appreciated very much an article in the Saturday, June 20 Religion section of The Washington Post written by Chris Mooney entitled, “ Papal message challenges some All-American values.” Mooney mentions that with the official release of Pope Francis's encyclical on the online gaming environment, it's clear that several [...]

Wishing Cindy Well…

By |2019-03-13T13:00:16-04:00June 22nd, 2015|Kayser Ridge|

It's been a tough few weeks for Kayser Ridge staffer, Cindy Hosgood...after ending up in the hospital with a brain tumor, she's talking again and getting some movement back. Her daughter, Heather, is a great support in the process. Please keep your thoughts and prayers with Cindy as she continues her progress.

Intentional Retirement/Role Change Retreat

By |2019-03-13T13:03:14-04:00June 24th, 2014|Kayser Ridge|

The following is a post submitted by Randall T. Byrnes, PhD, http://www.byrnesassociatesllc.com Imagine a remote lodge in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia that requires a four-wheel drive vehicle to traverse the final quarter mile to reach your destination. Ask five men and one woman, some who never met each other to join you for [...]

Kayser Ridge inspires, “Cairns By Cliff”

By |2019-03-13T13:03:14-04:00June 20th, 2013|Kayser Ridge|

Who knew that cairns, originally serving as guideposts to a UFO landing site at Kayser Ridge would eventually spawn the most successful cairn building company in the capital of the most powerful nation on the planet. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and ask, "How did I get so lucky?" Just at the right place at [...]

Artist, Tom Bucci’s Watercolor of Kayser Ridge

By |2019-03-13T13:03:15-04:00May 13th, 2013|Kayser Ridge|

Washington DC based Artist and Architect, Tom Bucci has exhibited widely in the Washington DC area and his work is found in collections around the world, from embassies to corporate and private collections. He and his wife Erica, who is also a talented artist, are good friends who have spent time at Kayser Ridge. Several years ago, [...]

R.I.P. Vegas — a Best Friend of and to, Kayser Ridge

By |2019-03-13T13:03:15-04:00May 10th, 2013|Kayser Ridge|

Kayser Ridge lost a beloved Staff member, Vegas. Dawn had to make the difficult decision to put her friend of 17 years to sleep yesterday and shared some pictures of Vegas at Kayser Ridge, commenting, "she loved Kayser Ridge and could really and truly be a dog when there..." Vegas used to accompany Kayser Ridgers for [...]

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