Polarity Thinking Virtual Open House to learn about GMU’s Polarity Thinking Program

Zoom Webinar

Join us on Wednesday September 9 from 12 noon to 12:45 p.m. for our Polarity Thinking Virtual Open House to learn more about George Mason University's Polarity Thinking program and its tools. Drop in anytime during this informal discussion to get your questions answered. Polarities are interdependent forces that create tension in complex situations. This certification [...]


Kayser Ridge Retreat & Learning Center 375 Breakthrough Lane, Berkeley Springs, WV, United States

LEARN HOW POLARITY THINKING™, THE PACT™ PROCESS, THE POLARITY MAP® AND POLARITY ASSESSMENT™ ARE THE MOST ROBUST SUITE OF PRACTICES AND TOOLS AVAILABLE TO ACHIEVE YOUR DESIRED RESULTS FASTER AND MORE SUSTAINABLYThis program is designed for HR, OD and Consulting / Coaching professionals to become certified to deliver Polarity Thinking™ processes and apply our most advanced tools [...]


SPIRIT IN THE POLARITY: Duality, Interdependence, and Oneness

  This is a 4-Evening Workshop meeting on Tuesdays Dates: 4 Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST November 9, 16, 30, and December 7, 2021 Available by: Join by Videoconference or Watch Online Recordings (learn more about videoconference) Price: General Public: $100.00 | One Spirit Graduates: $ 90.00 One Spirit Elective Credit: 1.0 Register Action [...]



By: Cliff Kayser, VP, Mastery and Coaching Programs, Polarity Partnerships and Barry Johnson, Founding Partner, Chairman & Creator of The Polarity Map® , Polarity Partnerships Polarities are energy pairs we can leverage to achieve our preferred future faster with greater sustainability. They often show up as tough decisions or tensions: Should we centralize for system integration or decentralize to support [...]