This is a 4-Evening Workshop meeting on Tuesdays Dates: 4 Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST November 9, 16, 30, and December 7, 2021 Available by: Join by Videoconference or Watch Online Recordings (learn more about videoconference) Price: General Public: $100.00 | One Spirit Graduates: $ 90.00 One Spirit Elective Credit: 1.0 Register Action [...]
By: Cliff Kayser, VP, Mastery and Coaching Programs, Polarity Partnerships and Barry Johnson, Founding Partner, Chairman & Creator of The Polarity Map® , Polarity Partnerships Polarities are energy pairs we can leverage to achieve our preferred future faster with greater sustainability. They often show up as tough decisions or tensions: Should we centralize for system integration or decentralize to support [...]
A joint program between Polarity Partnerships, LLC and the Leadership Forum, Inc. The Leadership Forum Community and Polarity Partnerships are offering an Introduction to Polarity Thinking™ Workshop. This is a 4-hour virtual experience for those interested in deepening their understanding of Polarity Thinking™. The class will be conducted by Polarity Partnerships and will include participation in a [...]