Kayser Ridge? Here’s the quick answer…
A retreat and learning center Willard “Cliff” Kayser, III built (more accurately, had built by people who know what they were doing) and named to honor his grandfather, Willard C. Kayser, Sr.
Two hours from Washington, D.C. you’ll find Kayser Ridge on top of 40-acres of mountain land in Berkeley Springs, WV.
Designed to “help small groups accomplish big things”, Kayser Ridge features 3,000 square feet of interior space, including a total of 9 bedroom/sleeping areas, four full bathrooms, two fully equipped kitchens, a conference area with breakout space, high-speed wireless, two gas fireplaces — and much more.
Eight sets of French doors lead to another 3,000 square feet of deck space for meeting and relaxing, pondering the many cairns, and stunning views/vistas of four states (PA, MD, VA, and WV).
Vision & Mission
In short, we provide a unique and intimate space for small groups to experience and accomplish BIG Things!
Kayser Ridge Retreat and Learning Center is known in the D.C. metropolitan region as the preferred destination for those who seek to create thriving and compassionate individuals, teams, organizations, and communities.
Kayser Ridge Information & Directions
Kayser Ridge FAQs and FYIs
Kayser Ridge History
I love Margaret Mead’s quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
In 1998, my belief in the power of small groups led to the vision of building a unique retreat destination for small groups in the D.C. metropolitan area. I wanted to create a space that was immersed in nature and markedly different from what hotels or corporate spaces offered. As a trainer/facilitator, my experience was that most spaces lacked a certain intangible “energy” and “spirit” – an essence that brings out the best in people and contributes to meaningful, creative, and lasting group work.
In addition, I thought that one way I could contribute to the many small groups doing BIG things was to make this type of unique and intimate space not just available, but affordable and easy to take advantage of. Kayser Ridge was a way to serve the people I love and the causes they love (which I often share also but can’t necessarily devote myself to directly). I also wanted to create a space where I could play, learn and grow – personally and professionally. ”Build it, and they will come” was my business plan, and I started looking for land and figuring out how to finance my vision, a journey which took almost four years. Read more…
Where People and Big Ideas Come Together
Programs such as the PACT Foundations and Professional Applications Certifications and the Polarity Mastery Program happen at Kayser Ridge.
Contact Cliff to lean more about Polarity-focused retreats or to coordinate with him on the design of a custom polarity-focused program for your team or group.
What a neat environment you have created. It was enjoyable to share in it with the others. The surroundings and hospitality certainly contributed to the successful outcome of the meeting. You seem to be a true Polarity convert and did a great job of sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge with others. And the attention to the needs of all of us, especially the gluten thing was great. Very thoughtful…I can see why others have appreciated the benefit of the environment and made repeat visits.
Imagine attending a retreat and then feeling you had been invited to someone’s private castle in the sky. Not an opulent castle, but one that’s warm, designed to foster community, and where the soul can let its hair down. That’s Kayser Ridge.
To be on top of a mountain, to practice yoga outside on a glorious deck, to feel safe and comfortable in a gorgeous cabin, to indulge in gourmet dining — this is Kayser Ridge Retreat & Learning Center – a most profound experience. Thank you Cliff for your superior guidance and advice and thank you Dawn for your support and super warm hospitality. You are both to quote Bette Midler “the wind beneath my wings.”
If you are looking for a place to work or play, Kayser Ridge is the location. You will find that it is a beautiful site for a daylong conference or multi-day retreat. This stunning space offers comfortable accommodations for rest, breathtaking summit views, and warm hospitable places to convene.
Recent Cliff’s Notes on Kayser Ridge
Stepping Into Purpose Retreat, 10/12-14 @ Kayser Ridge
It was a first go-round for a visioning/vision quest at Kayser Ridge Retreat & Learning Center. As often happens when the right people assemble for the right work, and at the right time -- it [...]
Sharing Sad News…
Cindy Hosgood, passed away this morning (December 16, 2015). For over half a decade, Cindy contributed her time and talents to mission, vision, and success of Kayser Ridge. You don't have to look far on [...]
Wishing Cindy Well…
It's been a tough few weeks for Kayser Ridge staffer, Cindy Hosgood...after ending up in the hospital with a brain tumor, she's talking again and getting some movement back. Her daughter, Heather, is a great [...]
Bear of a Weekend at Kayser Ridge
He's baaaack--and looking for breakfast…
Intentional Retirement/Role Change Retreat
The following is a post submitted by Randall T. Byrnes, PhD, http://www.byrnesassociatesllc.com Imagine a remote lodge in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia that requires a four-wheel drive vehicle to traverse the final quarter [...]
Great Kayser Ridge Sketch by Patrick Dowden
Kayser Ridger, Patrick Dowden sent this hand sketch recently as a "thank you" for the time he and his family spent at Kayser Ridge. Wow... Thank you, Patrick. What talent, and how incredibly kind of [...]